Hello, my name is Heather and I love plants! As a kid, I remember bringing home a beautiful African Violet from the grocery store that I begged my mom to buy me and setting it on my nightstand like a cherished toy, marveling at its soft fuzzy leaves and sparkling purple flowers. I still feel that same awe today with every new acquisition, or sprout, or discovery.
I also like to break “gardening rules” and experiment. When I was a teen I grew a morning glory plant on my windowsill, and even got a few flowers out of it! It never occurred to me that morning glories did not belong inside… I just knew that I wanted a pretty vine around my window and I had some seeds on hand.
I have been a renter since 2011, first in California, then Utah for a year and a half, and now back in California where I live with my husband, rescue dog, and multitude of plants. I know there are people out there who may feel limited on what they can grow because they don’t own the ground they are growing in. I believe that anyone can grow beautiful plants, regardless of their circumstances. I got really good at container gardening because I wanted to make sure that whenever I move I can take my plants with me. When you have the will, there is a way.
If you stick around, you will watch me grow all kinds of plants all kinds of ways: in the ground, in pots with drainage, in pots with no drainage, indoors, outdoors, under lights, on windowsills, in raised beds, in no-dig, in moss, in water, and even in the air. I hope you will be inspired and encouraged to create a “fancy garden” of your own, no matter how big or small, and bring the joy of plants and gardening into your life.
Thanks for reading and Happy Gardening! 🙂