How to Create a Succulent Birdcage Planter

Gardening » How to Create a Succulent Birdcage Planter

Birdcages planted up with succulents are a fun way to add some whimsy to the garden.  Not only are they beautiful, they are super easy to make and the succulents do great! 

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Birdcage Planter Supplies

To make your own succulent birdcage planter all you need is a birdcage, succulents, moss (I use Supermoss sheet moss), and glue or floral pins.  Birdcages can be found at most craft stores and also on  I also buy my Supermoss from Amazon.  To help keep the succulents in place, I like to use a hot glue gun.  Don’t worry it doesn’t harm them in the least! ​​This project is a great way to use up succulent cuttings, but you can also use rooted succulents from pots, just plan on removing most of the root ball so it will fit between the bars of the cage.  I like to make sure to choose some trailing succulents for a pretty draped look.

Echeveria 'Lola' and donkey tail sedum
Echeveria ‘Lola’ and donkey tail sedum

Creating and Caring for the Planter

Once your materials are gathered, simply fill the bottom portion of the birdcage with the moss, packing it fairly tight so it forms a sturdy base.  Place your succulents in front of the bars of the cage, making sure the stem is inserted into the moss behind the bars.  You can also place them inside the cage for added dimension.  Keep adding succulents until you like how it looks.  You can always add more later as well!

Succulent birdcage planter
Succulent birdcage planter

A dab of the hot glue on the stem will keep them in place until they have rooted in the moss.  They will live quite happily in the moss for years.  To water, sprinkle every couple of days or so with a water wand or watering can.  In the beginning it might be easier to feel the moss- if it’s moist don’t water, if it is dry then you will want to water.  Keep your birdcage out of hot summer sun which can burn the succulents.  Bright indirect light or morning sun is best. 

Happy succulents in a birdcage
Happy succulents in a birdcage

If any of your succulents die simply pull them out and replace with a new succulent! I hope you enjoyed this post, leave me your questions in the comments and I will be happy to answer them.  Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram! And check out my post on a super easy method for sweet pea sprouting HERE!

Happy Gardening!!


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