container gardening

How to Easily Grow Beautiful Zonal Geraniums from Seed


When I discovered how easy it is to grow beautiful zonal geraniums (Pelargonium hybrids) from seed, a world of possibilities opened up to me. I was no longer limited to what the garden centers decided to carry. I could start my geraniums from seed much earlier in the year and have them ready to go outside after our last frost date. AND, by planting from seed, I gained access to a multitude of different flower colors (and some unique leaf colors too!).  Keep reading to find out how easy it is to grow beautiful zonal geraniums from seed.

How to be Successful Growing Anemones in Pots


Anemones (Anemone coronaria) are one of my favorite flowers to grow in pots for a beautiful early spring show that looks great in the garden, and lasts for days in the vase. In this article I will be speaking strictly about Anemone coronaria which offer beautiful single and double flowers with long stems in a multitude of colors. If you are limited on space, don’t worry because I will teach you how to be successful growing anemones in pots!

How to Easily Grow Delicious Strawberries from Seed


Did you know that you can grow strawberries from seed? I didn’t until a few years ago when I noticed seed packets for sale online.  I was blown away, but thought it would be difficult. Turns out, growing strawberries from seed is super easy and you can grow some delicious varieties that aren’t commonly found for sale as transplants. Growing strawberries from seed is also inexpensive and super fun!

Geranium Cuttings- How to Propagate Geraniums the Easy Way!


Propagating geranium cuttings in water is the easiest way to get lots more geranium plants FOR FREE! I love ivy and zonal geraniums (also known as pelargoniums). They are easy to grow in my hot arid climate and are almost always be in bloom, even in winter, which I LOVE. All it takes is a little know-how and a bit of patience and you will soon be up to your ears in geraniums!

How to Grow Sunflowers in Pots- It’s Super Easy!


If you aren’t already growing sunflowers in pots you will want to be after reading this article because it is SO EASY! If you have 60 days left before your first frost you can even plant some ProCut sunflowers TODAY and see blooms this year! There is nothing like a cheery pot or two of blooming sunflowers to enjoy on summer days when it seems like everything else is suffering from the heat.  Keep reading to find out all my tips and tricks to growing sunflowers in pots.

How to Easily Grow Stunning Potted Zinnias from Seed


If you are looking to grow stunning zinnias from seed, AND in pots, you have come to the right place! Zinnias are one of my favorite cut flowers of summer and out of necessity I cracked the code to growing them in pots! So if you have been dreaming of growing potted zinnias keep reading, because all you need are some seeds, potting soil, and a 3 gallon pot!

Garden Burnout: Strategies for Coping and Creating a Stress Free Garden


Sometimes I hate my garden.  There, I said it.  And if you are saying it too, take a deep breath and know that you are not alone! Guys, the honest truth is that a couple of weeks ago I experienced extreme garden burnout and had reached my breaking point.

5 Fantastic Flowers For A Simple Potted Butterfly Garden


If you are anything like me, when a butterfly shows up in the garden you drop everything to go stare at it in awe and wonder.  I am literally obsessed with these ethereal beings.  Butterfly sightings in my garden were rare until I started including more flowers that butterflies absolutely love! In this article I am recommending five fantastic flowers for a simple potted butterfly garden that will keep butterflies coming back again and again!